End User: Aviation Services Bulgaria OOD Equipment Type: Liquid Explosive Detectors Services: Delivery, Installation and Commissioning; Warranty Maintenance Danlex’s role: Contractor Manufacturer: Smiths Detection Year: 2012 Status: Completed Category: AirportsTags: airportaviationcommissioningdetectorexplosiveliquidPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:X-Ray Systems and Ancillary ServicesNextNext post:Services for X-Ray SystemsRelated ProjectsExplosive Trace Detectors12 September, 2019Liquid Explosive Detectors12 September, 2019Computer-Based Training for X-Ray Systems12 September, 2019X-Ray Systems and Ancillary Services12 September, 2019X-Ray Systems and Ancillary Services12 September, 2019Explosive Trace Detectors12 September, 2019